Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Snake Bite

Have you ever wonder what is the feeling like, to be bitten by a snake. Well, I experienced it yesterday when I was on duty:) I was bitten by a 3m long python. Could really felt the fang in my flesh, even though I am wearing a black leather gloves.

I was send to TTSH later and received my treatment. Although the python is non-venomous animal, but the risk of other infections are still there.

Not to be superstition but yesterday before the snake bite, I actually got a of my colleague Noor told me that I am working with "snake" so beware of it. was a joke that we shared:) The "snake" that he is referring to is those colleague who are hypocrite. True enough, I got a snake bite later. He joked after our work that it was my retribution.

I got 2 days of MC and now I am resting at home:)

Dear dear got to know about the snake bite yesterday. She was very caring and kept reminding me to take my medications. Haha...felt abit like a wife that kept telling her husband to do something:)

I love you. You're my precious darling and my dear dear penguin.

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